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Purchase products using your BTAF tokens on through BTAFPay
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BTAF Token is the native token for
The community consist of over 60,000 members
BitcoinTAF has a 23% new member growth year on year
Since 2016, BitcoinTAF has paid out +$6 million in Bitcoin Commissions
268,900 statistical data points for 2023, over 30 stats per hour (derived from sales, transactions, download and paid commissions)
212 million Analyst Report Downloads & Views since 2016
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Bitcoin Trend & Forecast Premier clients as well as BitcoinTAF members are generously rewarded for their loyalty with BTAF. Purchase any of our products and services using BTAF tokens.
Explore Our Roadmap
Explore Our Roadmap
#BTAF token. Deploy Governance. Deploy on PancakeSwap
Q4 2022
Ongoing development of BTAF Pay Solution Commence development of BTAF enhancements Like for Like Airdrop (Qualifying)
Q1 2023
Ongoing enhancements of BTAF as the economic activity token for payment Launch Staking Platform Ongoing management of like for like gifting airdrop